Whale sightings in Patagonia!
What unites us with nature? Why do we feel so small in front of the immensity of the sea? We don't know if the answers to those questions are in Puerto Madryn (we don't even know if those answers exist) but it is the perfect environment to feel the need to ask them.
A journey to the heart of the marine world
Puerto Madryn is a top tourist destination in the province of Chubut, Argentina. Located on the Atlantic coast, this place is known for being home to a wide variety of marine species, including southern right whales.
The best time to see them is between June and December, when the whales migrate from the cold waters of the Atlantic to the Golfo Nuevo, a place where the females give birth and care for their calves in calm, warm waters before returning to the sea. open sea.
Various forms of sighting
There are several ways to enjoy whale watching in Puerto Madryn. The most popular option is to take a boat tour, where you can see these wonderful creatures up close as they jump and bob in the waters. It is also possible to observe them from the beach or from viewpoints on the Valdés peninsula.
It is important to keep in mind that whale watching in Puerto Madryn is regulated by regulations that seek to protect their well-being and the ecosystem in general. Direct contact is prohibited, and tour operators must comply with strict safety and environmental protection standards.
The sighting experience is something much deeper than observing animals in their natural habitat. It is an opportunity to connect with nature, learn about the importance of conservation and enjoy unforgettable moments in the company of wonderful beings.
Tips for your visit:
When planning your whale watching in Puerto Madryn, it is important to book tours in advance as they can sell out quickly during peak season.
You can book your excursion right now from our Punta Tombo Turismo Travel Agency:
Whatsapp +54 9 280 487-9376.
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We will soon open our doors in Puerto Pirámides!In the meantime, if you want to book your stay in this destination, we invite you to explore Rayentray Las Restingas
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