Sewage treatment

Our proposal to reduce environmental impact.
Influent control

Why care is

Having a wastewater treatment plant in an eco-friendly
hotel is important for several reasons:
A wastewater treatment plant helps reduce the hotel's environmental impact by treating and purifying wastewater before releasing it back into the environment. This helps protect local water sources and prevent pollution.
By treating and reusing wastewater, hotels can reduce their overall water consumption. This is particularly important in regions where water is scarce or where there are concerns about the sustainability of water resources.
Many countries have strict regulations on wastewater treatment and disposal. By having a wastewater treatment plant, hotels can ensure they comply with these regulations and avoid potential fines or legal problems.
Better guest
Green hotel guests are often environmentally conscious and will appreciate knowing that the hotel is taking steps to minimize its impact on the environment. A wastewater treatment plant can be a selling point for the hotel and can improve the overall guest experience.
We feel part
of your journey
We prioritize your rest and relaxation, ensuring quality, distinction, comfort, and safety.
Our goal is to make your stay at Rayentray one of the most unforgettable experiences
during your trip through Patagonia.
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We will soon open our doors in Puerto Pirámides!In the meantime, if you want to book your stay in this destination, we invite you to explore Rayentray Las Restingas
Contact us
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