The proposal of
an epic context

Ideas to fully discover a place full of wonders

Ideas for your trip

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Whale sightings in Patagonia!
What unites us with nature? Why do we feel so small in front of the immensity of the sea?
The Charm of Puerto Madryn: Unique Lifestyle in Argentine Patagonia.
Puerto Madryn is known for its natural beauty and unique lifestyle.
We feel part
of your journey
We prioritize your rest and relaxation, ensuring quality, distinction, comfort, and safety.
Our goal is to make your stay at Rayentray one of the most unforgettable experiences
during your trip through Patagonia.
Book your visit
Choose the hotel and the date to get your spot.
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We will soon open our doors in Puerto Pirámides!In the meantime, if you want to book your stay in this destination, we invite you to explore Rayentray Las Restingas
Contact us
Write to us to ask any questions.
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